
脳神経外科疾患メモ Vol.12

今回、われわれは、この「無症候性微小出血」が成人もやもや病の約30%に認められること、平均3年半の経過観察中に約7%で新たな「無症候性微小出血」が生じること、「無症候性微小出血」の存在が将来の脳出血の予測因子であることを明らかにしました(Kuroda S et al. Stroke 44:516-518, 2013)。

Clinical significance of silent microbleeds is unknown in moyamoya disease. This study was aimed to clarify the incidence, locations, and longitudinal course. This prospective cohort study included 78 nontreated patients with moyamoya disease. The incidence and locations of silent microbleeds were evaluated on T2*-weighted MRI. MR examinations were repeated every 6 or 12 months during a mean follow-up period of 43.1 months. T2*-weighted MRI identified silent microbleeds in 17 (29.3%) of 58 adult patients with moyamoya disease, but in none of 20 pediatric patients. During follow-up periods, de novo silent microbleeds developed in 4 (6.9%) of 58 adult patients. Hemorrhagic stroke occurred in 4 patients (6.9%), all of who had silent microbleeds on initial examination. The presence of silent microbleeds was a significant predictor for subsequent hemorrhagic stroke in adult moyamoya disease (P<0.001). Careful and long-term follow-up of silent microbleeds would be essential to improve their outcome in adult patients with moyamoya disease.


  1. バイパス・ブートキャンプ2016
  2. 第9回日本ニューロリハビリテーション学会
  3. 脳神経外科と剣道
  4. 第90回日本脳神経外科学会・中部支部会
  5. 脳神経外科疾患メモ Vol.4 もやもや病と過灌流現象
  6. 世界もやもや病インターネットカンファレンス2022
  7. 脳神経外科医への道 Vol. 46
  8. もやもや病の手術を学ぶ_Pt. 3