

 一般講演では、山本修輔先生が「後大脳動脈病変における動脈外径の縮小」齋藤久泰先生が「後大脳動脈領域の虚血を伴う症例に対する一期的バイパス術」を、堀 聡先生が「もやもや血管構築の人種間差」を発表しました。今後も、もやもや病の基礎研究、臨床研究を通して病因の解明、診断精度の向上、治療成績の改善に努めたいと考えています。

5th. International Moyamoya Meeting (IMM2018) @ Seoul

We joined the 5th. IMM 2018 in Seoul, Korea. Moyamoya experts gathered there from the whole world. Prof. Kuroda gave key lectures entitled, “Epidemiology of moyamoya disease in Japan” and “Long-term (5-20 years) outcome after STA-MCA anastomosis and ultimate indirect bypass”. Dr. Haruto Uchino from Stanford University gave a lecture entitled, “Edaravone reduces symptomatic hyperperfusion after bypass surgery”. Dr. Shusuke Yamamoto presented his paper entitled, “Arterial shrinkage of the involved posterior cerebral artery in moyamoya disease”. Dr. Hisayasu Saito presented his paper entitled “One-stage surgical revascularization for moyamoya patients with cerebral ischemia in the territory of posterior cerebral artery”. Also, Dr. Satoshi Hori presented his paper entitled “Interethnic difference in angio-architecture of moyamoya vessels”.
We are keen to explore the pathophysiological mechanisms of moyamoya disease and improve the outcome of patients with moyamoya disease through various basic and clinical researches.


  1. 富山大学脳神経外科・納涼慰労会
  2. ニューロサイエンスの旅 Vol.16 第5回 まぶ(Mab)達の…
  3. 脳神経外科医への道 Vol. 22
  4. もやもや病の手術を学ぶ_Pt. 5
  5. 脳神経外科医への道 Vol. 28
  6. 謹賀新年
  7. もやもや病の英文教科書
  8. ニューロサイエンスの旅 Vol. 48