
ニューロサイエンスの旅 Vol.29

近年、幹細胞を用いた再生医療が日常臨床に応用される可能性が高まっていますが、幹細胞には未だに解明されていないことが多く、われわれは幹細胞に対する基本的理解をますます進めなければなりません。東北大学の出澤真理先生が発見したMUSE(ミューズ)細胞は、われわれの骨髄などに存在する万能幹細胞と考えられており、今後の臨床応用が期待されています。今回、当科の堀 恵美子先生が書いた「急性期脳梗塞患者の末梢血におけるMUSE細胞の動向」と題する論文が英文誌「Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases; JSCVD」に掲載されました。脳梗塞の発症によって大量のMUSE細胞が末梢血に動員されることから損傷脳の修復に関与していると考えられますが、その動向は患者によって異なり、喫煙や飲酒が大きな影響を及ぼしていることを明らかとしました。

A Voyage to Depth of Neuroscience Vol. 29

Dr. Emiko Hori has published a research paper entitled “Mobilization of Pluripotent Multilineage-Differentiating Stress-Enduring Cells in Ischemic Stroke” in Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases; JSCVD.
This prospective study was aimed to prove the hypothesis that multilineage-differentiating stress-enduring (Muse) cells are mobilized from bone marrow into peripheral blood in patients with ischemic stroke.
This study included 29 patients with ischemic stroke. To quantify the circulating Muse cells, peripheral blood was obtained from all patients on admission and at days 7 and 30. Using fluorescence-activated cell sorting, Muse cells were identified as stage-specific embryonic antigen-3-positive cells. The control values were obtained from 5 healthy volunteers. Separately, immunohistochemistry was performed to evaluate the distribution of Muse cells in the bone marrow of 8 autopsy cases.
The number of Muse cells robustly increased within 24 hours after the onset, compared with the controls, but their baseline number and temporal profile widely varied among patients. No clinical data predicted the baseline number of Muse cells at the onset. Multivariate analysis revealed that smoking and alcohol intake significantly affect the increase in circulating Muse cells. The odds ratio was .0027 (P = .0336) and 1688 (P = .0220) for smoking and alcohol intake, respectively. The percentage of Muse cells in the bone marrow was .20% ± .17%.
This study shows that pluripotent Muse cells are mobilized from the bone marrow into peripheral blood in the acute stage of ischemic stroke. Smoking and alcohol intake significantly affect their temporal profile. Therapeutic interventions that increase endogenous Muse cells or exogenous administration of Muse cells may improve functional outcome after ischemic stroke.
Copyright © 2016 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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