
第一回日本脳神経外科 M&M 学会のお知らせ


名称:日本脳神経外科M&M学会(Japan Association of Morbidity and Mortality in Neruosurgery; JAMM-Neuro)
代表世話人:黒田 敏(富山大学)、井川房夫(島根県立中央病院)
第1回学術集会:2025年7月11日(金)〜12日(土) 富山県民会館


The 1st. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Morbidity and Mortality in Neurosurgery (JAMM-Neuro)

Recent advances in neurosurgical knowledge, surgical techniques, surgical equipment and perioperative management have contributed greatly to the improvement of treatment outcomes. On the other hand, it is also true that complications that occur in the course of treatment have by no means disappeared.
In the past, preventive measures to prevent the recurrence of complications that occurred during treatment have often been taken by the individual practitioners or in individual hospitals. However, there were certain limits to the spreading effect of such measures in terms of complication prevention. Therefore, we have decided to establish a new society dedicated to discussing complications in neurosurgery in order to provide a forum for sharing as many cases of complications as possible among as many members as possible, in order to collectively reduce complications in as many facilities as possible and improve treatment outcomes. The outline is as follows:

Name: Japan Association of Morbidity and Mortality in Neruosurgery (JAMM-Neuro)
Advisors: Prof. Kiyohiro Houkin (Hokkaido University), Prof. Akio Morita (Nippon Medical School)
Pesidents: Prof. Satoshi Kuroda (University of Toyama), Prof. Fusao Ikawa (Shimane Central Hospital)
1st scientific meeting: 11-12 Jul 2025, Toyama Prefectural Hall, Toyama, Japan.

Further details will be announced later.
Save the date!
Please visit Toyama next July and join the discussions at the conference!


  1. 脳神経外科疾患メモ Vol. 17 「越中八策」の巻
  2. もやもや病の手術を学ぶ_Pt. 3
  3. 「第3回 ホタルイカ・カンファレンス」のお知らせ 日時:8月17…
  4. We Are The Neurosurgeons! ……
  5. 脳神経外科医への道 Vol. 13
  6. 富山大学附属病院市民公開講座 脳卒中の最新治療
  7. もやもや病の手術を学ぶ_Pt. 2
  8. 第三回脳神経外科医療安全対策カンファランス