
脳神経外科医への道 Vol. 62 


The Long & Winding Road To Be A Neurosurgeon Vol. 62

On a recent July 2022, the Department of Neurosurgery held an Neurosurgery Carreer Orientation for the 5th- and 6th-year medical students at the Department of Neurosurgery, University of Toyama. Neurosurgeons with various careers explained in detail from their own perspectives the significance, delights, and know-how of living a life-long profession as a neurosurgeon.
The discussions that followed, both as a whole and individually between medical students and neurosurgeons, lasted until late into the night, making for a really stimulating evening for both sides.
Two years ago, we all discussed and made substantial improvements to our clinical clerkship program and instruction strategies. Maybe because of all this, as many as 11 medical students actively participated in this year’s program, which was very much more than in previous years. It would be a great pleasure if they continue to aspire to become neurosurgeons in the future. I would like to congratulate them on their bright future prospects, and I will do my utmost to guide them in their endeavors.
Boys and girls, be ambitious!


  1. 深淵なるニューロサイエンスへの旅 Vol. 82
  2. 【脳神経外科野球大会中部地区予選】
  3. 第7回富山マイクロ手術道場
  4. 【第二回 TOMーぶり街道カンファランス】
  5. ニューロサイエンスの旅 Vol. 53
  6. もやもや病の診断基準の改訂2021
  7. 脳神経外科医への道 Vol. 16
  8. 海外からの患者さん