
脳神経外科医への道 Vol. 55

2020年3月24日、当科の高 正圭先生が晴れて大学院を卒業して、学位記授与式に臨みました。この数年間、毎週火曜日に研究の進捗状況を直接、黒田からチェックされる生活はさぞかし苦痛だったと思います。この間、以下の3つの基礎研究をやり遂げるとともに、Toyama Stroke Registry (TOY STORE)など、いくつかの臨床研究にも取り組んでくれました。
1) Koh M et al.
T-LAK Cell-Originated Protein Kinase (TOPK) Inhibitor Induces Tumor Growth Suppression in Xenograft Models of Human Glioma (submitted)
2) Koh M et al.
A Novel Biomarker, Phosphorylated T-LAK Cell-Originated Protein Kinase (pTOPK) Can Predict Outcome in Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma.
Neuropathology 38:228-236, 2018

3) Koh M et al.
Intrinsic Mobilization, Migration and Differentiation of Multilineage-differentiating Stress Enduring (Muse) Cells after Cerebral Infarct of Mice (submitted)


The Long & Winding Road To Be A Neurosurgeon Vol. 55

Dr. Masaki Koh has successfully graduated from Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, University of Toyama today. In Japan, March is the month of graduation. He has carried out three experiments on stem cell, malignant lymphoma, and malignant glioma and several clinical researches such as Toyama Stroke Registry (TOY STORE study) for these 4 years. I am sure that he will be an excellent neurosurgeon with the mind of neuroscientist in very near future. Boys and girls, be ambitious!


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