
脳神経外科医への道 Vol. 60

Boys and girls, be ambitious!

The Long & Winding Road To Be A Neurosurgeon Vol. 60

A case report authored by Dr. Kunitaka Maruyama of our department has been published in Neuropathology. In a patient who suffered a total of eight subcortical hemorrhages, repeated cerebral hemorrhages were found to be caused by widespread inflammation in the cortical arterioles related to amyloid angiopathy. We hope that he will continue to maintain an open attitude to always ask questions and solve problems when treating each patient.


  1. 富山大学脳神経外科 教室・同門会年報「創志塾2016」
  2. もやもや病の手術を学ぶ_Pt. 5
  3. 脳神経外科医への道 Vol. 37
  4. 「橋本信夫先生講演会」のお知らせ 10月31日(木)18:30〜…
  5. 北陸IVNR研究会夏季ハンズオンセミナー 第3回 ホタルイカ・カ…
  6. 第60回日本脳循環代謝学会
  7. ニューロサイエンスの旅 Vol.33
  8. 富山紀行 Vol. 2