

2021年3月11日(木)〜13日(土)、第46回日本脳卒中学会学術集会、第37回スパズム・シンポジウムとともに「STROKE2021」として福岡にて開催させていただきます。COVID-19 outbreakのもと、現地+リモートのハイブリッド形式で開催します。開催まで1ヶ月となり、おおよその準備は整いつつあります。

The 50th. Annual Meeting of Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Stroke

Prof. Kuroda, will be serving as the president of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Stroke. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the members of the society who have given me the opportunity to play a very valuable role. This year’s conference will be held under the main theme of “Techniques, Science and Spirit – 50 Years of Progress”, keeping in mind that it is the 50th anniversary of this conference.

Recently, EBM is becoming more and more popular in the field of stroke surgery, but it is important to note that EBM is very different from the evidence of internal medicine in that the results largely depend on the skill level of each surgeon. We stroke surgeons have a responsibility to constantly endeavor to improve our skills. In addition, due to the rarity and peculiarity such as thrombosed giant aneurysms, we have to deal with diseases that are not fully discussed by EBM, and we have to exercise a high level of skill and calm judgment everyday. From this point of view, I will use “skill” as the first keyword.

At the same time, we have a responsibility to contribute to the development of medical science and medical practice for future generations by calmly analyzing the results of our treatment and presenting them both domestically and internationally for constructive criticism by others. From this perspective, I would like to use “science” as my second keyword.

Furthermore, the “skill” and “science” of stroke surgery are supported by the internal enthusiasm we have. We would like to take this opportunity to look back to the days when we dreamed to become stroke surgeons, and to discuss our attitude and pride toward surgery and clinical care, as well as how we should conduct ourselves in daily life.

Finally, this meeting will celebrate its 50th anniversary. We would like to have a special program to look back on the history of our society and show a compass for future generations, as well as to discuss new trends that will determine the next 50 years of our country, such as Primary Stroke Center/Thrombectomy Stroke Center/Comprehensive Stroke Center, Stroke Therapy Guidelines 2021, and certified stroke surgeons. As of early 2020, COVID-19 crisis is sweeping the world, and we still do not know what form this meeting will take, but we are making careful preparations together with the Japanese Stroke Society (Prof. Takanari Kitazono) and the Spasm Symposium (Prof. Satoshi Iwabuchi) to adapt to various situations.


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