


Farewell Party for Ms. Akiko Takaiwa

Ms. Akiko Takaiwa has worked as a speech therapist at Toyama University Hospital for these 14 years. She has contributed to progress our research projects on cognitive function in neurosurgical disorders. Now, she will be an Assistant Professor at Jumonji University, Saitama this September. We are sure that she will further advance her career as an educator and researcher.

1: Akioka N, Takaiwa A, Kashiwazaki D, Kuwayama N, Endo S, Kuroda S. Clinical significance of hemodynamic cerebral ischemia on cognitive function in carotid artery stenosis: a prospective study before and after revascularization.
Q J Null Med Mol Imaging. 2017 Sep;61(3):323-330.
2: Asahi T, Nakamichi N, Takaiwa A, Kashiwazaki D, Koh M, Dougu N, Takashima S, Tanaka K, Kuroda S. Impact of bilateral subthalamic stimulation on motor/cognitive functions in Parkinson’s disease.
Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2014;54(7):529-36.
3: Kashiwazaki D, Takaiwa A, Nagai S, Akioka N, Kurosaki K, Noguchi K, Kuwayama N, Kuroda S. Reversal of cognitive dysfunction by total removal of a large lateral ventricle meningioma: a case report with neuropsychological assessments.
Case Rep Neurol. 2014 Feb 22;6(1):44-9.
4: Takaiwa A, Kuwayama N, Akioka N, Kurosaki K, Hayashi N, Endo S, Kuroda S. Effect of carotid endarterectomy on cognitive function in patients with asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis.
Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2013 Apr;155(4):627-33.
5: Kurimoto M, Takaiwa A, Nagai S, Hayashi N, Endo S. Anomia for people’s names after left anterior temporal lobe resection–case report.
Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2010 Jan;50(1):36-40.
6: Hamada H, Hayashi N, Kurimoto M, Takaiwa A, Kurosaki K, Endo S. Neuropsychological changes after endoscopic third ventriculostomy for long-standing overt ventriculomegaly in adults. Case report.
Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2009 Aug;49(8):362-4.
7: Takaiwa A, Hayashi N, Kuwayama N, Akioka N, Kubo M, Endo S. Changes in cognitive function during the 1-year period following endarterectomy and stunting of patients with high-grade carotid artery stenosis.
Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2009 Dec;151(12):1593-600.
8: Takeuchi M, Hayashi N, Takaiwa A, Hamada H, Kuwayama N, Hirashima Y, Matsui M, Endo S. Clinical value of constructional skill testing in patients with secondary normal pressure hydrocephalus–two case reports.
Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2007 Jul;47(7):322-4.
9: Takaiwa A, Kuwayama N, Hayashi N, Kubo M, Matsui M, Endo S. Cognitive function in patients with severe carotid stenosis–evaluation of RBANS, WAIS-R and NART before treatment of carotid revascularization–.
No To Shinkei. 2006 Aug;58(8):681-6.


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