

さて、今回はLuis Borba教授 (Federal University of Paraná, Brazil)とともに本委員会のCo-Chairを務めていくことになりました。本日、彼とzoomを通して顔合わせをしたのち、今後の運営方針について1時間ほど楽しく討論しました。

Education & Training Committee, World Federation of Neurological Society (WFNS)

With the recommendation of many of you, Prof. Kuroda has served as Co-Chair of Education & Training Committee, World Federation of Neurological Society (WFNS) for the past two years, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he has not been able to achieve as much as he had hoped. This time, with the reorganization of WFNS, he has been given the opportunity to once again handle this important position. He would like to thank all of you for recommending him again.
This time, he will serve as Co-Chair of this committee with Professor Luis Borba from Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. This morning, he met with him via Zoom and had a pleasant discussion for one hour about the future management policy.


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