
脳神経外科医への道 Vol. 62 

当科を選択して長期実習に来てくれていた6年生の丸谷昴生くんが書いた症例報告が、Surgical Neurology International誌に掲載されました。今回のcase reportでは、高度の石灰化プラークによる高度内頚動脈狭窄症によって脳血流不全を有している症例に対して、まず血管内治療にて狭窄を少しだけ改善させたのち、頚動脈内膜剥離術を実施して石灰化プラークを取り除くことで致死的な過灌流症候群を回避しつつ、患者さんに元気にお帰りいただくことができました。
Boys & girls, be ambitious.

The Long & Winding Road To Be A Neurosurgeon Vol. 62

Mr. Takaki Marutani, a sixth-year medical student who chose our department for her long-term internship, wrote a case report, which was published in the Surgical Neurology International. In this case report, we reported a very rare pediatric case of severe circular calcified plaque with hemodynamic impairments, treated with carotid endarterectomy following percutaneous transluminal angioplasty to prevent postoperative hyperperfusion syndrome.
Mr. Marutani studied very hard to write this article for the first time. Dr. Daina Kashiwazaki, who directly supervised her, was very impressed.
Regardless of whether she will become a neurosurgeon or not, I think it is really wonderful that he is willing to engage in this kind of academic work from the time he is a medical student. I wonder if I could have become a better doctor if I had made these kinds of efforts instead of playing around all the time when I was a medical student. I hope he will continue to enjoy his medical career while making efforts.
Boys & girls, be ambitious.
Satoshi Kuroda, MD, PhD


  1. 脳神経外科・特別セミナーのお知らせ
  2. 脳神経外科疾患メモ Vol.14 痙性斜頚とハンガー反射
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  5. 富山大学脳神経外科 教室・同門会年報「創志塾2016」
  6. 富山大学・双六岳夏山診療所2021
  7. 第100回富山県脳神経外科医会に寄せて
  8. 謹賀新年2017