
脳神経外科医への道 Vol. 61 

当科を選択して長期実習に来てくれていた6年生の上坂こころさんが書いた症例報告が、米国のJournal of Neurosurgery Case Lessons誌に掲載されました。今回のcase reportでは、内頚動脈欠損症にもやもや病を合併した大変珍しい小児例を報告させていただきました。
Boys & girls, be ambitious.

The Long & Winding Road To Be A Neurosurgeon Vol. 61

Ms. Kokoro Uesaka, a sixth-year medical student who chose our department for her long-term internship, wrote a case report, which was published in the Journal of Neurosurgery Case Lessons in the United States. In this case report, we reported a very rare pediatric case of internal carotid artery agenesis complicated with moyamoya disease.
Ms. Uesaka studied very hard to write this article for the first time. Dr. Shusuke Yamamoto, who directly supervised her, was very impressed.
Regardless of whether she will become a neurosurgeon or not, Prof. Kuroda think it is really wonderful that she is willing to engage in this kind of academic work from the time she is a medical student. He wonders if he could have become a better doctor if he had made these kinds of efforts instead of playing around all the time when he was a medical student. He hopes she will continue to enjoy her medical career while making efforts.
Boys & girls, be ambitious.


  1. 脳卒中市民公開講座@富山 2022
  2. 脳神経外科医への道 Vol. 62 
  3. We Are The Neurosurgeons!「2019年春…
  4. 第67回日本脳循環代謝学会学術集会
  5. 脳神経外科と剣道
  6. ビクトリアちゃん・その後
  7. Dr. Sandra Vuignierの当科訪問
  8. 富山大学脳神経外科 神経ハンズオンセミナー開催