

COVID-19 outbreakのため、現地+リモートのハイブリッド形式での開催ですが、昨日までに5000名近い会員の皆様が参加登録して下さいました。第50回の節目を機に「技、科学と心意気〜50年の歩み〜」をテーマに掲げて、さまざまなプログラムを用意しております。どうぞ、活発なご討議をよろしくお願いします。

Annual Joint Meeting of STROKE2021 in Fukuoka

STROKE2021, a 3-day joint meeting of the Japanese Stroke Society, the Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Stroke, and the Spasm Symposium, starts today in Fukuoka. I will be in charge of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for the Surgery of Stroke as the annual president.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the meeting will be held in a hybrid format of on-site + remote. As of yesterday, however, nearly 5,000 members have registered for the meeting. On the occasion of the 50th conference, we have prepared various programs under the theme of “Technique, Science and Spirit – 50 Years of Progress”. We look forward to your active discussions for 3 days.


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