
ニューロサイエンスの旅 Vol. 60

A Voyage to Depth of Neuroscience Vol. 60

昨日、当科の内野晴登先生の研究成果がJournal of Neurosurgery誌に掲載されました。黒田が治療困難なもやもや病20例に対して北海道大学、富山大学で手がけてきた追加的バイパス術(repeat bypass) 22件の治療成績です。
 前医で脳血行再建術を実施されたものの治療効果が不十分だった10例には前方循環に対してSTA-MCA and/or 間接バイパス術を(Group A)、当院で前方循環への脳血行再建術を実施したのちに後大脳動脈に病変が拡大した10例には後方循環に対してOA/STA-PCA and/or 間接バイパス術を実施しました(Group B)。経過観察期間中、1例が再出血をきたしましたが、他の19例では脳血管イベントが消失しました。

Strategy and effect of repeat bypass surgery for anterior/posterior circulation in refractory moyamoya disease
Haruto Uchino 1 , 2 , Daina Kashiwazaki 1 , Naoki Akioka 1 , Masaki Koh 1 , Naoya Kuwayama 1 , Kiyohiro Houkin 2 and Satoshi Kuroda 1 , 2
1 Department of Neurosurgery, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, University of Toyama, Toyama; and 2 Department of Neurosurgery, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan

In this study the authors aimed to describe clinical features, surgical techniques, and long-term outcomes of repeat bypass surgery required for a certain subset of patients with moyamoya disease.
The authors retrospectively reviewed a total of 22 repeat bypass surgeries for 20 patients (age range 1–69 years) performed during the last 20 years at their institutions. The patients were classified into 2 groups. Group A included 10 patients who underwent repeat bypass surgery for anterior circulation due to insufficient revascularization on the ipsilateral side. Group B included 10 patients who underwent repeat bypass surgery for posterior circulation due to the involvement of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) after successful initial surgery for anterior circulation.
Preoperative symptoms included headache in 3 patients, transient ischemic attack in 10, cerebral infarction in 3, and intracranial hemorrhage in 4 patients. Intervals between the initial bypass surgery and repeat bypass surgery were 0.3–30 years (median 3 years). In group A, superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery (MCA) anastomosis and indirect bypass were performed on 7 hemispheres. Only indirect bypass was performed on 3 hemispheres because of the lack of suitable donor or recipient arteries. In group B, occipital artery (OA) to PCA anastomosis and indirect bypass were conducted on 4 hemispheres, and OA-MCA anastomosis and indirect bypass on 1 hemisphere. Only indirect bypass was conducted on 7 hemispheres because of the lack of suitable recipient arteries. All 22 repeat bypass surgeries were successfully conducted. During follow-up periods (median 4 years), none of the patients suffered repeat stroke except 1 patient who died of recurrent intracerebral hemorrhage 3 years after repeat bypass surgery for anterior circulation.
Repeat bypass surgery was feasible and effective to reduce further incidence of headache attack, transient ischemic attack, and ischemic/hemorrhagic stroke in moyamoya disease patients. Through precise radiological analysis, surgical procedures should be planned to yield maximal therapeutic effects.


  1. 第100回富山県脳神経外科医会を迎えて
  2. 深淵なるニューロサイエンスへの旅 Vol. 72
  3. 再会2017
  4. ニューロサイエンスの旅 Vol. 71
  5. ニューロサイエンスの旅 Vol.33
  6. 第一回 TOM-ぶり街道カンファランス
  7. 第一回国際脳刺激カンファランス(シンガポール)
  8. 医局登山2015