
もやもや病の手術を学ぶ_Pt. 4

2019年5月5日から、ロシアから3人の脳神経外科医、Dr. Andrey Dubovoy (Novosibirsk), Dr. Andrey Dmitriev (Rostov-on-Don), Dr. Egor Kolotov (Kemerovo)が一週間の予定で富山大学を訪問中です。

Learning About Surgery for Moyamoya Disease_Pt. 4
In this May, three Russian neurosurgeons have visited Toyama University Hospital to study surgical technique and perioperative management for moyamoya disease.
All of them are very nice guys and are learning a lot about our clinical practice for moyamoya disease and other neurosurgical disorders. I am sure that they would further advance their clinical practice in Russia. Boys, be ambitious!


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