

例年、富山大学脳神経外科ではこの季節に同門会と忘年会を同日に開催しています。しかし、今年はCOVID-19 pandemicのため忘年会は中止して、同門会のみを開催しました。この同門会においてもCOVID-19感染を避けるため、初めて大学とメンバーとをインターネットで接続しての開催としました。通常であれば病院の当直などで参加できない先生もインターネットを経由して参加することができたため、例年よりも参加者が多い結果となりました。今後、COVID-19 pandemicが過ぎ去ったあとも、この手法は各地に散らばったメンバーを繋ぐ有益な手法として来年以降も使用したいと感じました。一年間、お疲れ様でした。

The Alumni Association 2020 of Department of Neurosurgery, University of Toyama

Every year, the Department of Neurosurgery, University of Toyama holds an Alumi Association Meeting and a Year-End Party on the same day at this time of the year. However, this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we canceled the Year-End Party and held only the Alumni Association Meeting. In order to avoid COVID-19 infection, this year’s meeting was also the first time that the university and its members were connected via the Internet. Many doctors who would normally be unable to attend due to their duties at their hospitals were able to participate via the Internet, which resulted in a larger number of participants than in usual years. Even after the COVID-19 pandemic has passed, we will continue to use this technology as a useful way to connect our members spread throughout Japan next year and beyond. Thank you for a year of hard work.


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