Prof. Kuroda is in Gothenburg, Sweden to join ESOC2018 meeting. In this meeting, he presented a long-term (5-20 years) effect of STA-MCA anastomosis and EDMAPS for patients with moyamoya disease. During follow-up periods, one of 80 patients recurred hemorrhagic stroke (0.12% per patient-year). Radiological examinations demonstrated that the disease progression occurred in the carotid system of non-surgical side in one side and in the PCA in 7 sides (1.1% per side-year). Therefore, STA-MCA anastomosis and ultimate indirect bypass (EDMAPS) is the best choice to prevent further cerebrovascular events for longer than 10 years by widely providing surgical collaterals. However, long-term regular follow-up is essential to identify disease progression, especially in the PCA.